Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Texas Stats

1.All of us enjoy watching a good competition. We love watching a basketball game, a football game, or even watching two students compete while doing multiplication problems on the board.

Have you ever thought about two cities having a competition against one another? What would be the point of going head to head? What prize would be given to the winner?

While we compete for trophies, or food prizes, the competition between cities is a little more intense.  Cities around Texas and around to world battle each other for the honor of being the largest, smartest, wealthiest, healthiest or coolest city.  They want to win these titles so that others will want to come live in their city, visit their city or speak positively about their city. Who would want to visit a boring place with no excitement? Who would want to attend college in a school with no technology or culture? So, now you can understand why cities want to compete against one another.

This link will give us some important information on the great State of Texas. We can learn a lot about a city based on how smart the people are, how many businesses are in the city, how wealthy they are, and what fun activities draw people to visit.

2. Money Math





3. Chart Reading

Chart #2
Think of four questions that could be created from reading this graph above.

4. We always welcome different ways of improving our writing.  The following Graphic Organizer is another way to look at organizing and writing a good paragraph.

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