Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Language Quiz

1. Proper Language We all have our favorite foods, drinks and snacks.  Most of you already have a movie that you love to watch all the time or a song that just beats out all others.  I know that you can describe these favorites because we have written about them in class several times.

Now, it is important to know the proper way to make comparisons between things. Even more important to each of us is the ability to compare our favorite things to all other things that are less important.

Some of the words we use in our comparisons are: most and least.  Look at the apples above, which is your most favorite, which is the least appealing to you?

When we are comparing two objects we need to use words that end with -est. Look at the apples again and write a few sentences that describe which is the biggest, the smallest or the darkest, which one is lightest.

Now let us look at this website which will explain the rules for making comparisons with the proper words. <a href=" here to begin</a>, and don't forget to scroll all the way down to the bottom and take the quiz.

2. Matching Equivalent Fractions

Each week we take a few minutes to revisit the world of fractions. There are always new ways of understanding how fractions are a reality in our daily lives. One important concept to remember is the connection between equivalent fractions.  Take a look at this little game for a quick review of how certain fractions may be written differently, but they represent the same amount. Here is the  game
Fractions Extra….Click here
Equivalent Fractions Shoot: this one will rattle your brain: click here if your ready!

3. What if you had your own luxury yacht? What would you want to take on a journey around the world. 

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