Monday, February 27, 2012

Shape and Space from TES

1. Now that we have mastered the skill of figuring out the area and volume of different shapes, we are going to look at how to identify more shapes.

Three dimensional figures are fun to make, but challenging to draw.  Our lessons this week will introduce us to various shapes and figures that are present in the everyday wold around us.

First, let us take a look at a nice introduction to geometric shapes and three dimensional figures.

Primary Maths - Shape and Space - Resources - TES

2. Elapsed Time

How much time has gone by
between the times on the
first and second clocks?
How much time has gone by
between the times on the
first and second clocks?
How much time has gone by
between the times on the
first and second clocks?
How much time has gone by
between the times on the
first and second clocks?

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1 comment:

  1. Angelina Lin Lngoria
    Feb 27, 2012
    My Terifict Summer
    Last summer I went to my moms work and my aunts house. Then I had to go to my grandmas house I askt if I can stay for the summer she sead'' yes. When me and my aunt were there she took me out to eat, shop, the movies, and more. I had so much fun with my family When we went out I saw plenty of things. I saw Mis. Querare at the mall she was leaving we were going in it was funny seing her we laghft. My grandma and grandpa took me out for my berthday it was fun they took me to the mall first we aet then we went to go get cloths, shows, and other things. My summer was so so fun even my berthday. This experience is new to me because i'v never done this befor I got to experyince stuff. It was nice of my ante, grandma, grandpa, and my mom to let me do this all I did was do that stuff and eat ice ceam. I'v never ever had fun like this in my life. My brother and sister were in Hustin with my step dad we relly enjoyd it it was like our vaycashon.
