Tuesday, February 7, 2012

More Parts of Speech: Adverbs


1. As motivated 4th graders, we are always expanding our ability to write good sentences and add some excitement to our paragraphs. So, we must take a look at these special words called: adverbs.

An adverb modifies a verb, adjective or another adverb. Also, they answer important questions for us, questions such as how, when, where, and how much.

This is a straightforward approach to understanding adverbs. Click here

2. Now I'm sure everyone is thinking that adverbs must be really similar to adjective. Or maybe you're thinking that Mr. Frisch is just confused and making more work for you.  However, I am certain that with a little practice, everyone will learn the difference and know about another way to improve your writing.  This link takes you to a good page with an explanation and exercise. 

3. After looking at these four images, where would you prefer to travel for a three day weekend.  Remember that you can only choose one place. So, make your decision and write three paragraphs about why you made that choice.  Write about what you find exciting or interesting about the place. Next, write about what you could imagine doing in this place. Finally, who would you take along with you for the journey.

1 comment:

  1. I like adverbes mrs.fish is and awsome teacher : )
